Hillsound attends 13th Annual Iron Knee, Tender Knee Trail Race
Originally Posted on June 3, 2015
Hillsound attended the 13th annual Iron Knee, Tender Knee trail race in Deep Cove on May 24th. 305 racers registered and 45 volunteers came out on the day to provide refreshments and support along the course.
Runners had two options: the 25km Iron Knee course starting from Cleveland Park or the 13km Tender Knee beginning from Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. Both events included the infamous Powerline climb and finished in beautiful Deep Cove.
Hillsound provided prizing and ran a gear giveaway at the event. Thanks are due to everyone that turned out to make the 2015 Iron Knee, Tender Knee a great event and to Mountain Madness for having Hillsound on board as a sponsor.
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