Our new Trail Crampon Ultra is invaluable to trail runners

Originally Posted on September 20, 2013

Hillsound Equipment is excited to announce the launch of the Trail Crampon Ultra, a new winter traction device for Fall 2013.

For those wanting to extend their running season into the winter months, the Trail Crampon Ultra provides superior foot traction in icy conditions.

Building on the legacy of the successful Trail Crampon, the Trail Crampon Ultra utilises high-strength stainless steel and a TPU harness with Velcro strap to create a secure and durable traction device.

The 18 steel spikes are positioned in the stepping impact zones on the sole of the foot, ensuring there is no slipping on icy ascents and descents. The Trail Crampon Ultra was designed with runners in mind, with the spike length striking a balance in providing enough traction without being overly aggressive for between-season trail conditions.

Hillsound Equipment Product Designer, Kris Choi, describes the Trail Crampon Ultra as ‘invaluable’ to winter trail runners.

“What we’ve created in the Trail Crampon Ultra is a lightweight, high-strength micro crampon that will enable winter sports enthusiasts to travel faster and lighter,” Mr Choi said.

The Trail Crampon Ultra is the fifth offering by Hillsound Equipment in their high-quality traction device product range.

“The Ultra comes to the market after years of testing and refinement. I believe we have truly achieved our goal of creating an easy-to-use micro crampon that brings security and confidence in movement to winter trail runners.

“Traction devices like the Ultra can make your outdoor winter pursuits that much more enjoyable by removing that fear of slipping or falling,” Mr Choi said.

You can read more on this new offering from the Hillsound team here. 

Hillsound Trail Crampon Ultra, Hillsound Crampon, Micro Crampon, Microspikes, Winter Traction Device, Safety Product, Micro Crampons, Crampon, Crampons

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